Why is my browser saying "Potential Security Issue" or "Connection Reset" or similar?

Perspectives uses a third-party tool (called Guided Track) to capture some of your survey responses and a couple of other tools to create an interactive experience. We embed this tool in the lesson page and use it to remember your previous activity, as well as to improve the efficacy of the experience.

Some browsers and networks are wary of embedded tools like these, and we have a couple of workarounds.

Browser-blocked content

If you see a screen like the below, your browser is blocking the content.

Example of Firefox Potential Security Issue Warning

We take security seriously and are looking for new tools that avoid triggering concerns for browsers in this fashion. We do not pass any personally identifiable information through this embedded system, so even though the browser is worried, we can confirm for you that your activity is secure and private.

In the meantime, there are two options you might try to continue your coursework:

  1. Use a different browser (Chrome works great and we think Safari works well as well) to access Perspectives.
  2. Follow the instructions in the security window to give the browser access. (Typically this involves clicking on "Advanced" or "Continue Anyway"). This will give you instructions about how you might still access this content. If the browser tells you that it will simply not permit you to access the content, please try another browser.

Network-blocked content

If you see a screen like the below, your network or VPN is likely blocking the content. This was probably a decision made by your organization's IT department (and is not uncommon).

You can get around this by visiting our site without going through your organization's network - but please don't do this if it will violate your organization's rules. In this situation, you will not be able to view this content and can just click "Mark Complete." We are working with our tech team to update how we implement this content, so that we can avoid triggering these sorts of issues.

We apologize for any inconvenience and please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.